Dr. Roger Klein, Psy.D.
Dr. Roger Klein, Psy.D.
Dr. Klein earned a master’s degree in counseling and an educational specialist’s degree in School Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado.
He completed his doctorate degree in clinical psychology at the Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology. He has worked as a teacher, coach and school psychologist as well as maintaining a private practice in clinical psychology.
Dr. Klein is a frequent presenter at local, state and national conferences and has a special interest in enhancing learning through relaxation, positive self-talk and use of imagination.
He is on the teaching faculty of the National Institute of Trauma and Loss in Children, has taught off campus graduate courses for Aurora University, is on the consulting psychology staff at Rogers Memorial Hospital in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, and is a managing partner of Family Resources Associates, Inc., an outpatient mental health clinic in Watertown, Wisconsin.

Nancy Klein, M.A.
Nancy Klein, M.A.
Nancy Klein, combines twenty years of teaching with the lessons learned from her own experiences with cancer in developing resources for children facing serious illnesses.
Nancy received a Master of Arts degree in Special Education from the University of Northern Colorado. Nancy’s teaching experience covers the full spectrum from elementary school to university classes. Her book, Healing Images for Children: Teaching Relaxation and Guided Imagery to Children Facing Cancer and Other Serious Illnesses won 2002 Independent Publishers Book Award in the category of Health/Medicine/Nutrition.
The Healing Images program is being used by medical professionals as well as parents and has proven to be a helpful component in a variety of medical procedures and treatments.
Klein is a coauthor of Helping Children Feel Safe: A Debriefing Program for Children K-6th Grade, published by the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.

Jeffrey S. Allen, M.Ed.
Jeffrey S. Allen, M.Ed.
Jeffrey has been a special education, regular education teacher and currently serves as an elementary school principal. For many years he has organized and facilitated support groups for children experiencing death, divorce or separation.
He has written numerous plays and directed video programs for children. He has contributed articles and photographs for local and national professional publications.
Jeff enjoys traveling and recently was awarded top honors from the National Catholic Press Association for his photography in Ghana, West Africa.
Jeff used his professional, personal and parenting experiences in writing the majority of the scripts for the books Ready . . . Set . . . RELAX and Relax.Calm.
Ready, Set, RELAX . . .
reduces stress from children's lives
helps teens overcome anxiety
helps young people build confidence